Don't Let Fears Hold You Back - Michelle Poler (The Fear Girl)

So excited to share this video with you! Michelle Poler is the amazing founder of Hello Fears - who bravely journeyed through 100 Days Without Fear, facing a different fear each day and inspiring millions along the way. She has put this beautiful film together in inspiration of the ChooseREAL Campaign! Standing with us as we encourage others to “choose to be you".

"Let's not allow the things that makes us "normal" to define us, because only our imperfections are what's going to make us stand out from the rest."

We are so honoured to share this journey with Michelle and can’t wait to share more of her amazing story. 

Born and raised in Caracas-Venezuela to a family of holocaust survivors, Michelle was accustomed to living with fear. It was what kept her safe and comfortable. She feared big, playful dogs, scared they might bite her. Terrified of pain, she dreaded dentist's and doctor's appointments. She missed dinner parties that required her to drive at night, scared of hang an accident. 

But when she moved to New York to pursue a Masters in Branding at the School of Visual Arts, Michelle quickly realized that NYC was not for the fearful.

In efforts to re-write her definition of fear Michelle completed a project where she faced one fear a day for 100 days (100 Days Without Fear). She filmed herself on each challenge and posted them daily to her YouTube channel. She faced all kinds of fears, from holding a tarantula and skydiving to posing nude for a drawing class and helping people in need. At around day 40, the project was discovered by the media and it became an instant viral phenomenon. Celebrities such as Ashton Kutcher, Zoey Deschanel, Sofia Vergara and Lil Wayne were sharing her story. In a matter of days Michelle had over 4.5 million views in her YouTube channel. The vulnerability in exposing herself to the world created an emotional connection with her followers that turned into a community of thousands of people changing their approach to life.

Facing her fears took Michelle to TEDx’s stage where she completed her 100th challenge and received her fist standing ovation. Facing her fears helped her turn a personal project into a global movement. Facing her fears allowed her to quit her job as an Art Director in advertising to go after her dreams.

After witnessing the power in sharing her story, Michelle discovered that inspiring others to go after their fears was her new calling. She is now touring the world speaking at companies, universities and organizations teaching audiences how to untap their full potential in both their personal lives and their careers.

Michelle Poler (the fear girl) 

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